Fredricksburg {Lunch with Brenna}

The last day in Fredrickburg Brenna's mom was gracious enough to allow us to have a hour and a half with her. This is the last time we have seen her since we saw her off at camp. It is really hard on these three not seeing her like the use to.
The three littlest so excited, waiting to see Brenna.
Love this little Diva.

 We went to this really great restaurant that has a beautiful out side patio.

The littles thought the dirt was about the most amazing ting ever. Ha!

Showing Brenna where our new ranch is on the map.

 This girl cracks me up!! Just kicked back on the table enjoying the live music.

We really loved this time with our girl. It was so good to see her. She has no idea how much she is missed at home.


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