
Showing posts from June, 2012


I am so blessed with the best friends in the universe. On Saturday they gave me a surprise shower for baby Saylor. As I said before, we had her within a couple hours notice. What little I have left from Lilly at this age is the wrong season and I gave away almost all my baby gear. I have been out running around shopping for clothes, blankets and just all the small stuff that goes with a baby as much as I can, but with three other little ones and now a new born, that is very difficult. So Saturday Missy said she needed to come talk to Jeff about a legal matter at 1pm. After we were going to going shopping. One o'clock rolls around and I go out front to let Missy in and I see several of my other friends out front. It took a minute to realize what was going on... A surprise baby shower . I was so over whelmed. I still am. In just two days my sweet friends got together a mini shower. I am truly blessed to have the most amazing girl friends EVER!!! My beautiful, amazing, snea


Wrote on June 22, 2012 Lilly is so in love with her new baby sister and I love nothing more than to watch my two girls together. Lilly just can not give Saylor enough hugs and kisses. She loves helping to feed the baby her bottle. She will climb in my lap when I am feeding the baby and pat her little head and just giggle up a storm. I have so many dreams for these two girls. I hope they grow up to be the best of friends. I am looking so forward to all the tea parties and dress up. I can hardly wait for my vaccum to get clogged up with Barbie shows and to trip over baby doll strollers. "But for me, I trust in you , O Lord; I say "You are my God". My times are in your hands..." psalms 31:14-15

Sayor is 1 month

Baby Saylor came to live with us 2 days after her 1 month birthday. Even though I was not with her her first month and really don't know all the little ways she has changed in this time, I still don't want to let this special "birthday" go by undocumented and celebrated. Some fun facts about Saylor Grace You are so tiny. Just barley 7 lbs. You wear preemie diapers still, even though newborn fit you, just a little big You wear newborn clothes and even some of those are a little big on you You eat 2-4 ounces about every 3 to 4 hours You are really a great sleeper (THANK GOD!) You eat a little before midnight, then you wake up around 3am and again around 6am.  You like to sleep with your arms above your head You really hate your baths You are not overly crazy about wearing bows, but your coming around:) You are such a good baby. the rare times you actually are awake, you just look around at everything. You make the sweetest faces. Sweet baby g

Fathers Day Weekend

Saturday we just hung around the house (after Brenna's shopping trip that is) We cooked out and then swam. I got these great pics of Lilly that I can't help but to share:) She is just so beautiful and so full of joy and life.  I just can't get enough of her. Sunday before church It is wonderful how much these kids love the water. Colt is actually getting pretty good at swimming (with his vest on of course). 

Our big news...

WoW!! The past few days have been totally crazy. Scary. Exciting. Wonderful. Horrible.  You name it we have felt it. I really do not even know where or how to start.  Last Tuesday I was at lunch with one of my besties, Missy, when Jeff called and asked me if I wanted a baby. If you know my hubs you know he is a joker. So I was like ya, whatever. He explained to me that Lilly's biological sister was in need of a temporary home.   We have no idea what the future holds for us with this beautiful baby. We just pray for God's will to be done in this and what is best for our family, the babies family and most of all the baby will come to pass. For whatever time we have her we will love her as our own and cherish every minute we have. We know we at the very least have 6 months. After this is all over, however it turns out, I can tell the whole story.    Saylor Grace. These pictures were  taken the first time we met Saylor about a week and half before she came to liv