
Showing posts from May, 2013

You Know Your a Mom When...

  …You spend an insane amount of time dancing behind a camera to get a good photo. Just smile! Boo! Ah! Look here! Just smile!! SMILE! (And most of them turn out like this…)    …You go to Target and hit up the baby clearance rack instead of the women’s/men’s. I don’t really care about clothes anymore… do you? My own clothes, anyway. I buy something if it’s cute, but goodness, those baby clothes are even cuter. …You hide all the annoying books so you don’t have to read them for the tenth time that morning. Please, I don’t want to read about Snowden anymore. Or Dr Seuss ABCs. Or about that  cat. And PLEASE no more Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....... NO MORE!!   …You patiently wait until your child is sleeping to eat all the good snacks. Because, who really wants to share their ice cream with a ravenous toddler? …You are always tired. I don’t care if your child sleeps 12 hours a night  or they wake up every two h


  There are so many things that I love about my husband, but what I love the most is what a wonderful father he is. This man works at least 60 hours a week. He is on call to his clients at all ours of night and day (not many attorneys are this caring by the way). But no matter how busy he is he always has time for his children. Most nights we take turns studying spelling words and such with Oliver, but Jeff insist on being the one to help him on all big projects. Ollie had his first big report a few weeks ago. The subject was insects. I went into the "man cave" to check on them while they were working on it and what I saw made my heart swell. Watching Jeff so patiently work with our son. Explaining the proper way to write, I was over come with love and pride for this man. Our children are so blessed to have such a hands on father. No matter how busy Jeff is, he has time for our little ones.              And of course they cant be s

Last Day of CDO

Last Thursday was the last day of CDO for the little ones. I was running super late so I did not get the best pictures sadly. And I am having problems with my computer so I had to get the pictures from the start of the year from Facebook:) This one just amazes me. I know Lilly has changed a lot over the past months, but didn't realize just how much. It brings tears to my eyes to see how much my baby has grown up in just 9 short months. She went from looking like a baby  to looking like such a big girl.. sniff!! I just love Colt's face on his first day  of school picture. Ha! I tried so hard to get a smile and it just was not going to happen. His changes aren't as pronounced as Lilly's but I can still see how much the toddler has turned into a little boy. He is so handsome that it takes my breathe away.   Here the both are at school on their first and their last days. We were super blessed with

What I Want Them To See. To Remember.

I don’t want them to remember that my floors were always clean. I want them to remember how hard they could bounce the ball in the living room I want them to remember always hearing music in the back ground. I want them to see daddy and mommy doing what they were called to do, But also I want them to see that we followed our dreams and passions. I don’t want them to see a tidy kitchen but a mama who cries as she worships her creator. Then opens her eyes and has a dance party with her babies. People who laugh at the funny things but are serious when seriousness is needed…. Like when tornado’s wreck plans and dreams feel unreachable. I want them to see me bow my head as a symbol that those hurting are seen and the ones broken are being held up. I want them to see action in the midst of chaos and calmness in the midst of reconciliation. I want them to see people who are moved by a song, moved by words, moved by a simple stroke of a paint brush. I want them to see a home