
Showing posts from May, 2012

Wordless Wednesday... All about Lilly


Memorial Day Fun

We really do not like to travel on three day weekends. It is just way to crazy out there and everything is so crowded. So we decided we would spend the weekend getting the big pool ready, cleaning up the yard and bringing out all the outside toys. We are way behind this year on getting things ready for summer. The big pool probably won't be ready until next week so we pulled out the kiddie pool from last year. After a little bit in it we realized there was a slow leak, but it lasted long enough for the kids to have tons of fun. I bought the babies matching American flag  swim suits for The 4th of July but realized they are perfect for Memorial Day as well. Most suit run small, but not these. They kept falling off the poor things. I wish they would of made them in Ol's size. Ha!! Nothing cuter then a baby tush!! And of course when we started bringing out the other toys, the kids where all over it. So excited over everything like it was Chri

The Circus

Friday night was Tonia's actual birthday. She wanted everyone to go with her and her family to the circus. We jumped on it. Nothing ever happens in our small town. It was great to be able to treat our little one's to a night out. We started by taking them to Pizza Hut. It is crazy how some of the most uneventful outings can be so much fun. Our children make me laugh. They are so much fun and everything is an adventure with them. We got to the circus about half an hour late thanks to slow service and a stop at the house to change Lils diaper. It was already really dark and loud. It really freaked poor Colt out. I think I still have finger prints in my back from his grip. But Lilly was all excited. Pointing. Clapping. Laughing. And of course Ollie was ready for the show. After some cotton candy and the break where they turned on the lights for a little bit, Colt relaxed and really started to enjoy the show. He even set in a chair with Ollie. He loved the motorcy