
Showing posts from May, 2017

Saying Goodbye{Tiger}

We where so excited to bring this little guy into the family. A beautiful 1lb 6oz baby boy yorkie named Tiger. I noticed that he was not very playful and he was not really eating, so after a couple of days we took him to the vet. They ran a few test and told us he would be fine. But sadly. the next morning, Tiger was dead. He was only part of our family for four days... but the kids and I where in love and so sad that we lost him. It was one of the hardest things Jeff and I have ever done telling the kids that there puppy was gone. We decided to give our sweet boy a funeral. Oliver and Jeff dug the grave.. and the other kids and I gathered rocks. As a family we said good bye to Tiger. It was such a sad day.. Heart braking to see my babies hurt. The breeder was great and let us choose another puppy. It is bitter sweet that we welcome our new little girl... Bailey. She the sweetest, most playful little Maltise. As much as we miss Tiger.. we are so i

(Impractical) Jokers

One of my and Ol's favorite shows is (Impractical) Jokers.. Seriously! This show is soooo super funny. We both laugh until we cry every episode,  So when the cast came to San Antonio for a live show Jeff and I jumped at the chance to take him. We did not get a ton of pictures... But we had so much fun! We got a sitter all day for the kids. We left early enough so that we could take Oliver shopping (the boy likes clothes like his Momma) and take him to a nice lunch.. Just a day of spoiling our boy!  The picture is just because Oliver and I thought it was so funny that Jeff could not figure the parking machine out. Seriously thought he was going to stroke out trying to get it to work.. then our parking receipt came out and a wind hit which caused us to have to chase it across the parking lot.  Probably one of those things where you had to be there.. But I know its somethings Oliver will have a good laugh at looking back one of these days :)

Jett's First Tooth

March... This sweet guy is seriously the most easiest going, good natured little boy EVER!! I knew he was teething because he was chewing on anything he could get to his mouth and sucking on his fingers a lot. Then the next thing I know... BOOM! He had a tooth. On his bottom right side. Then with in a week.. the other one came in. I could not get a picture of it . But here is my little guy. And this is all I could get when the second one came in.

Pretty in Pink

Loves these sweet babies so very much. 

Spring Break

Since we are taking our BIG trip in October (can you say Disney??) and Jeff had to work any ways.. We decided to spend a few days in Midland for Spring Break so the kids and I could see my mom.  Jett couldn't take his eyes off her.. lol.. he was so funny.  I just hope this boy know how much his grandma loves him.. All of them!    Can't go to Midland and not eat at Rosa's (yum) And look who was there too.. Tonia!!  ... Yes. I look a mess. It was a LONG day!  Maddie got to spend a lot of time with us.. LOVE this girl so much!  Miss living next door to her and her momma   I can not wit until this summer when Maddy gets to come stay with us. More time with Tonia... My nephew stayed the night with us then came back to Harper with us to meet up with his mom.   Storrie calls Aaron "my bestest friend" Also got some time with Uncle Stevie And just for