
Showing posts from July, 2011

Seven months of Heaven

My sweet Doll Baby... The months seem to be passing way too fast. It seem like yesterday that I was posting about you turning 6 months and... BOOM.. You are 7 months old.  I am hoping to paint this high chair for you someday  You are one of the sweetest babies that I have ever seen. You are never grumpy and always have a smile on your sweet face. Every where we go you are the center of attention. People always say what beautiful hair you have and what a good baby you are. All my girlfriends adore you and can't wait to hold you every time they are around. You have finally out grown your 3-6 months and are wearing 6-12 months. You just started wearing size 2 in diapers Your feet are still so tiny. You are wearing a size 0 shoe or a 0-6months You love being outside and are a total water baby You are eating baby food 2 to 3 times a day and about 5-6 bottles You are rolling from tummy to back, from back to tummy. You are all over the place You are really goo