
Showing posts from April, 2011

WoW!!! What a weekend..

When I say wow, I mean WOW!! Friday morning started out with Muffins for Moms at Olives school. So we had to get up extra early. Thankfully Daddy stayed home with the babies. Oliver was so proud that I came and kept telling me how much he loves me and he hugged me and told me that I am the prettiest and best Mommy ever. That boy knows how to sweet talk me. The later that day we had a great time with my MOPS (mother of preschoolers) group. We had a huge Easter egg hunt at my dear friend Hollin's house. She is so brave to allow all these kids and mommy's into her house. Oliver is such a good big brother. He was so worried about helping his baby brother that Oliver just got 2 eggs. But he was happy with what he got. Again, the care he took of Colt swelled my heart. He was so mindful of making sure Colt did not trip or put rocks and dirt in his mouth. Lilly got to wear one of her new Easter out fits. As always it was a big hit. I think her clothes get more atte

Lilly is 4 months old (and a few days)

Again.. I am late. Uggg... someone tell Jeff to buy me a lap top. April 6 Lilly turned 4 months old.  I cant tell you how much I have enjoyed having a baby girl. I love all the bows and clothes. So much fun. Lilly--- You my sweet little angel, you are the best baby. You laugh and smile all the time, unless  your in your car seat. Lets just say that you are not a fan!! You weigh 12 lbs. You can still fit into some of your size 0 - 3 months but they are a little snug. You are wearing size one diapers You go to sleep in your room about 8:30 but wake up to eat between 2 and 4 and end back in mommy and daddy's room. You take such good naps and always wake in the best mood. You are so happy. You giggle all the time. You just discovered your sweet little feet and love playing with your toes. And also you discovered your tongue. That is the funniest thing watching you try to grab it. You are so ticklish and just love to talk and be talked to.                        

Colts 2nd Birthday Bash

A week and a few days later, I am finally blogging about Colts party. I tell you, finding time blog is harder then I ever thought. Mainly because I have to use my husband's computer which is in his home office located in the pool house. I  just do not like being out of the house with the kids, even if it is only a few feet away. Sure wish he would buy me a lap top... hint, hint!!! Made by my dear friend and Colts CDO teacher Kristin  you can see more of her cakes at candycoatedshell.blogspot Colt's birthday was amazing. I was so stressed. Saturday morning my house was still a mess, the party favors(Mickey Mouse ears ) and Birthday banner had not arrived and I still felt like poo from a sinus infection. But by that afternoon, everything arrived and the house looked GREAT!!!! She also made the cute cookies, which was Colt's favorite thing of the party. All day I heard, "cookie, momma, cookie." I made these and have to admit--I am pretty darn proud of them. T