
Showing posts from October, 2013

Cupcakes with my Cupcake

I just love having a little girl. Lilly pulled out the mixer and cup cake pan and asked for "cake cakes" in other words.. Cupcakes:)   Sadly my phone died before I could get pictures of them all done. They were a big hit with her brothers. They kept telling Lilly what a great baker she was. Lilly was so proud. But You, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:3 

CDO Field Trip to Fiddlestick Farms

Last Thursday Colt's class had a field trip to Fiddlestick Farms. It was his very first field trip ever. He was super excited because he got to ride on a bus. That is all he could talk about for days. He really was hoping it would be a yellow bus, but sadly it was just a white bus. When I asked him about what color the bus was he said "It's just a white bus. It's a Jesus bus. It was still cool." I am so sad that I was unable to go. I had a previous appointment that I could not get out of:( But thankfully some other momma's took some pictures. I can tell he had a great time.  I just can not believe my miracle is all ready big enough to go on class field tips. 

Sick Day

Saturday Lilly got sick. And I mean SICK! This poor little girl throw up ALL DAY long (including in the waiting area od Salt Grass Steakhouse while we were waiting on a table. .. we did not know she was sick until this) And poor Oliver had a terrible rash that just wouldn't go away. We kept him home Monday and Jeff took him to the doctor. He was given a cream and told to stay home one more day. So Tuesday we had a appointment for Lilly. Jeff took off to help me with all the kids.    Pretty darn cute for a sick little girl:) We went and early voted.. Our nephew Spencer is running for City Council. (we are very proud!!)   Then took advantage of having everyone home on a weekday and went to lunch.   I just love the way Ol's is looking at Colt.  How totally sweet are these two:)  Sweet Lilly just couldn't get enough of her Daddy. Ha!! Love this silly face:)  My attempt at getting a picture of our three smallest together..   Waiting

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend Oliver had a sleep over at his friend Colton's house. Colton's mom, Lyndsy, is one of my good friends so it is so much fun seeing our boys become close. They went to a football game, then to Chucky Cheese and the next morning the went to get donuts in their PJ's I was actually surprised he ever wanted to come home:) The cutest thing is that Colton's little sister, Trinity, has a bit a crush on my Ollie and kept keeping his Lyndsey  sent me a few pictures...   Saturday we decided to meet up at the Pumpkin Patch with the kiddo's. This was the first year that Colt really understood where we were going and he was SUPER excited. Lilly was excited because her big brothers               Truly the best dad ever! The beard drives me crazy-- It is a good thing I love him so much!!