
Showing posts from February, 2011

The miracle of Colt

In exactly on month from today my little prince will be a big 2 years old. I truly hate I did not start blogging from the very first moment that he came into our lives. This little boy has changed me for forever. After 17 years of begging God for a baby. Month after month of disappointment. Two failed adoptions ( Im sure I will share about that some day) This perfect, beautiful, amazing child came into our lives. All the sudden I went from not being able to emotionaly handle my friends babyshowers to having my own. From avoiding the baby departments in Target and Dillards to going daily to see if they got something new in.   So since I was not able to share the past few years, I am going to spend the next month on catching you up on this amazing little mans life. Meet Colt Edward. Born March 22, 2009 5lbs 11 oz 181/2 inches long My sweet Colt.............From the first time I saw you, you where mine. I watched you be born. I cut your umbilical cord. I helped clean you up and I was

Getting started...

I am so excited to be starting this blog. I just wish I would have sooner. Specially when our adoption journey first began. My goal is to be honest and open as possible about my life. The good and the bad. At some points I know I will not look to good, but that is just life. I pray that some of my experiances can help other women who are dealing with the same trials whether it be adoption, raising a step child or dealing with a teen. At the very least I hope you get a laugh at my expense :0)