
Showing posts from December, 2011

Santa Baby (X's four)

Merry Christmas from the Robnett Zoo

It's the small things

It is so easy to get caught up in all the big events with my children. School parties, birthdays, trips to the zoo.. and think that these are the most precious memories. But then my kids prove me wrong and I realize that it is the everyday small moments that are the best memories. The kids are not always dressed perfect, their face may not be clean or I might not have my camera handy. Heck, sometimes the camera can not even capture these moments and the total sweetness of them. I am so afraid that I am going to forget all these special things that I know I need to blog more about them so I will have a record. The other day I pulled the box that had Lils toy chest for her birthday in it out so I could put it together it together after the babies went to bed. When Colt saw the box he was so exited. He started playing on it and for the next hour (at least 45 minutes after bed time) that box was the coolest thing in the world to him. Colt found some stickers and covered himself w

Play Date with "The Boys"

Between Thanksgiving, Missy's mom having a heart attack (praise God she is on the road to recovery) and snow days, I have not got to spend any time with one of my closest friends... Missy. Normally we hang out every Tuesday and Thursday while the boys are in CDO, but with everything going on it felt like months since we got our "girl" time. So I packed the babies up one day last week for a  much needed play date. Needed more for the mommies then the babies. the only picture with all four babies {notice Koby's behind in the back ground} Blaze  Boogie Missy's hubby, Ron and Lilly Colt showing of his toy It always cracks me up watching our kids play.


Last Tuesday (December 6) was Lilly's first birthday.Can it already be a year since my beautiful brown eyed girl was born? I will never forget the love and joy I felt the first time I held her. I had so many emotions. I was so happy and so scared we would not be able to bring her home, that her birth mom would change her mind. It was one of the truest test of faith that Jeff and I had to endure. I can not believe that my baby girl is one year old today. Nothing make you realize how fast time goes by then watching your children grow. I can honestly say that I enjoy being a mother more then anything. I have never felt so complete. Here are some things you Miss Lilly are up to..... You took her 1st step right before Thanksgiving and now can take at least four. It is so sweet to see how excited you  gets. You can say "momma, dadda, hi, bye, pup pup and bub bub bub(bubba)". You love to tap your forehead against mine or Daddy's. You think this is so funny an

Snow Day!!!

Snow is a very rare thing here in West Texas, so when we get one, it is a thing to celebrate. This year is the extra special since it is Lilly's first time to play in the snow. Even in the snow, Colt is playing cars Colt thought playing in the snow was the greatest! Ollie... momma's snow angel Snowball fight Brenna's prize snowman When we came in, I made the kids hot chocolate to help warm them up. Colt kept saying.. :Umum, that good coffee". God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend. For He says to the snow, Fall on the earth... And we all stop our labor to look at the marvelous work he has done. (Job 37:5-7 AMP)