
Showing posts from October, 2011

Wordless Wednesday :The Cuteness we know as Colt


MOPS pumpkin decorating party

Colt picked me a flower. Ok... so it really was a weed, but still sweet I swear this boy ran the whole day. I don't think he even knows how to walk                       -------Friends-------  Sweet Racheal  I LoVe this picture of Chrystal and Lilly Little Miss Allison Brady the fearless Farniza and her crew Jennifer and Allison Colt was so excited to decorate his pumpkin. He was so careful to put the stickers exactly in the right place Yes.. he is licking the pumpkin. Just gotta love little boys Colt's favorite part of the day--- YuMmY!! I have not blooged that much about MOPS, but I have to say that this is one of the best group of ladies that I have ever met. I really feel blessed to be a part of it. I am forever thankful to my friend, Michelle Kirk for dragging me kicking and screaming to Mops events. I raised one child with out the support of other women, this is much better. One more picture just because these two babies are


Saturday, we met my sweet friend Farniza and her two youngest babies at Fiddlestick Farms. My Pumpkin Patch Babies Friends Ollie ran into some friends from school                                               Farniza and her beautiful children  This is the sweetest picture... Lilly and Harper holding hands Colt and Kaden                                                 My sweet, crazy babies

10 months

This one being late was not my fault. For some reason Blogger would not let me load pics. So this post and Sara's post (coming next) was written in time, but had to wait to post it till now---------- Ten months ago the world was blessed with a living, breathing doll. My silly Lilly, You are growing up so fast, too fast. I love everything about you. You are so funny and loving. You have the sweetest giggle I have ever heard. You are so easy going and happy. You know how much you are loved and adored and you love us right back. The BIG news this month is that you stood up for a few seconds all on your own. I am so excited that I had my camera. Look Mom... No hands But other then that not much else has changed. Not much has changed in the past month. But some of the new things you are doing is.... Any time your brother or sister sings, you try to sing along. Daddy will sing "Lalalala" to you and you will sing it back. You love to clap your sweet little hand

20 years ago a princess was born

Written on October 7th ---------- It amazes me that my sweet Sara is 20 years old today. It seems just like yesterday that I held my sweet baby girl in my arms for the first time. All wrapped up in her blanket. So sweet and pink with a little bow glued to her head. I was too afraid to unwrap her and look at her. I never knew what true love was until I saw her. I can still remember the first time I heard her laugh. She was  two and a half months old and we where laying on the sofa when she just cut loose with the biggest giggle. It amazes me how fast my little princess has grown. In my mind she still is that Barney loving toddler. The Disney loving little girl. Pig tails and ruffle panties I can still see her in her room swallowed by all her Barbies. Sara, I am so proud of the woman that you have grown to be. I love that you have your own mind and do not follow what everyone else thinks. I love you so much! You are everything that a mother wants a daughter to be. Love