
Showing posts from July, 2012

Oh, This Face

Every time i look at this face I fall in love again The sweetest most perfect little nose The most beautiful green eyes and adorable chin And a smile that melts my heart everytime Ollie, we love you we love you. You are perfect for us, and GOD has wonderful things in store for you!

Lilly's Addiction

The Girl is addicted to… shoes And even if they are a major source of frusturation…. …she can’t seem to resist trying ALL of them on. Jeff better get ready…. The Girl is in love with  "Yo’s”!

IPhone's and Rainbows... Our Friday

I know I post tons of pictures of Lilly. I just can't help myself. Little girls (specially mine) are just so darn adorable.  I have so much fun dressing her up and fixing her hair, I just want to remember every minute of it.  Not to mention, she is at the cutest age where she does the funniest things, like putting Ollie's arm floaties on and insisting on wearing them like bracelets almost all afternoon Colt is quiet the cutie as well. We had rain earlier in the day.. Which here in Midland just never happens... He was so excited to see the water in the street. He said... "Look Mommy. It's a ocean at our house. WOW! COOL!! I feel like just about every outing we have now  days turns into an adventure.  I guess when you have 4 kids with you there is no way life can be simple. Friday Jeff got Brenna a IPhone. This earned him the BEST DADDY IN THE WORLD title. She was so excited you would of thought the thing was made of pure gold:) Of course

Brenna's First Swim Meet

Saturday Bren had her first swim meet. She was super excited and drove us totally nuts for the weeks leading up to it:) So we all got up bright and early so we could be there by 9:30 to support her. Here are a few pictures of the littles before we headed out. Lilly looking so cute in the headband I made her:) One of my favorite things about the littles is the way they are always hugging.  Ollie being a good big brother, walking Lil's to the truck We made it to the pool just in time for the meet to start. We waited. and we  waited and we  waited.  But for some reason it didn't start until after 11pm. Trying to keep two toddlers and a 7 year old happy is a confined space that is also hot and humid is not a easy or a pleasant task  .  Enjoying some lap time with her Daddy Looking cute as usual Heartbroken after Daddy told her no The world is a roadway for Colt  FINALLY... It started Sadly it

Target with the Littles

I promised the kids that if they would help keep the house picked up and not argue all the time that we would go to Target and get a treat for them. So this morning we got up and and all dressed and ready to go. I swear my boys could be the poster children for Target. They love that place. Colt started umping up and down screaming "YAY!! Target!!"" over and over again. Ollie gets almost as excited. So any ways... We get all dressed and head out to the truck, just to see that it was gone. Jeff took it. I had four very unhappy littles. SO we played out front for a little while. When my sweet husband heard his littles where disappointed he came home as fast as he could. We  finally got to take our trip to Target.  Colt wanting every truck in the store. I kept telling him only one. He would respond "Nope, Momma. Only two. Thank you though" Just for the record, he only got one toy even though this caused a screaming fit a

Sara and Mike's visit

I am way behind on my blogging. I am going to be playing catch up this weekend , sobe ready for Blog overload:) It was so wonderful to have my oldest princess home over the weekend. I hate the circumstances had to be so grim though. Last week Sara's boyfriend, Michael, father was killed in a car accident. They came back to Midland so he could be with his family. I hate seeing this young man hurt so bad. I am really proud of Sara for handling  it so well and being there for Mike the way she should. She has been pretty sheltered from this kind of thing and has never really had to deal with death this close before. I love how excited the kids got when I told them that they where coming. Specially Colt. He said "Wow! Michael is so big and cool (the ultimate compliment from my three year old) and Sissy Sara sooo pretty. I can't wait to play cars with Michael." And sure enough, soon as they got here Michael spent a half hour focused totally on Colt. I wish I would of ha