My Super Hero's

I never realized how much fun little boys could be!!  When Sara was little, what I loved most was the hours of dress up. We never knew what princess would pop out of her room. Every once in a while even a pink Power Ranger or Batgirl would emerge . I think she had as many dress up clothes as real clothes:)  This was one of the reasons I {thought} I only wanted girls. Boys are boring.. Right?
I have learned little boys are just as precious as little girls and they even like to dress up.
The other day Colt came in the kitchen and did this little stand. He said "Da da da da {trying to sing the Batman song} I Bat Man and I am here to save your day"...

No matter how big he gets I know that this will be one of those pictures that I will always treasure. One that years from now when I look back I will get all teary and experience a flood of memories.

Then my little super hero started doing the cutest little dance. He was twirling his little hips around in a circle while {trying} to sing the Bat Man song.

And of course not to be out done.. Oliver grabbed Colts Superman PJ top out of the folded laundry on the table and used his red school uniform shirt as a cape.
 The look Colt is giving Ollie is priceless.
Then my little super hero's started doing a little dance.....
Complete with a booty bump:)
What these two little boys do not realize is that they are MY super hero's every day.
They have saved me in so many ways just by letting me being their Mommy. They {along with Sara and Lilly) are my greatest joy!


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