3 years and 2 months... Colt

Oh my goodness.. How can it be? Colt, you are getting so SO so big. Even though I still (and always will) think of you as my baby, you are  becoming a little boy.

For the longest time your Daddy and I were so concerned you were not talking enough. Weeelllllll you have totally put those concerns to rest. Almost over night you have become a little chatter box. It is so cute to hear you gibber away. You are always coming up with things that make us laugh.
You amaze us all the time how smart you are. We are actually able to have little conversations now.
Just last night at Chili's you where sitting accross from me by Oliver, you wanted to sit in my lap. As you got up you looked at the lady next to us and said "Hi! Me Coltie. I go sit by my momma. (then you point to me) see.. that her. That my momma over there". You just sounded so sweet and it made my heart melt to hear the pride in your voice as you told the lady that I am your momma.
And when Kimmie and Mason was here, Mason was upset and you told him, "Calm down! Calm down". Then you looked at Kim and said "He needs a nap". Again you sounded so sweet and like such a big boy.

Some other things you say that I adore....
"I go up, down stairs"... you say this any time we go up OR down the stairs
"Look, behind you" ... you say this when something is in front of us
When I get you from bed in the moring you say "I missed you Momma, so much"
Any time your hungry you rub your tum and say" I want yummy snack Momma"
You call flies "bumblebees"
And of course when you say "Love you Mommy"
You will look at the clouds and say "look Momma, it looks like a..."  (whatever your little brain comes up with)
You will do this little fake cry when you are upset and say "I criiiiiiiing".
Your new fav thing is to make this funny face, pretend to shake and say "I so scaaaarrrrrrred". It is your way of trying to get out of doing what you do not want to.
When you want something you put your little hands to your face and say "peeeeeeeessssssssssssssse"
And my all time favorite. When I go any where and come back you say with such delight, love and joy "Momma, you back Momma. I miss you soooo much".

You are still obsessed with anything with wheels. You almost always have a car in your hand. When we go to school we always drive by the firestation and try to stop just for a second so you can see the firetrucks.
You also like laying with dinosaurs, blocks and you like to color. Playing outside is heaven for you. You love to dig in the dirt and look at bugs.

You have the cutest imagination. We never know if you will be a puppy, dinosaur, monkey, a super hero or a pirate. I just love the way 1your little mind works.
And you are smart. You know all your shapes and colors. You love to count and you are always counting blocks, cars or just whatever.  We are working on you ABC's. When I ask you to say them you wil say "ABC.. XYZ".

You are still the ultimate binkie and blankie baby. Some people give me a hard time about you still taking a binkie, but one thing I learned form your big sister Sara is not to sweat the small stuff. To not listen to what everyone else thinks is right but go by what is right for you. It is my goal to have you off of it by the end of summer along with having you potty trained.

You have a temper. You love to cross your arms and say "NO!". You will say "Hump! NO!!". There are somedays you are in timeout 5 times before your out of your PJ's. But you always will say you are sorry and hug me. And when your upset you will make the funniest face.

You are a really sweet brother. You are so protective of Lilly ( you think your the only one that can push her down). When you are in the gym nursery you will follow her around and keep all the other kids away from her. You adore Brenna ..you call her "Bren"... I think you know that you are her favorite. And Ollie is your hero. You do everything he does. You follow him around everywhere he goes.

Colt, you are my heart. Your beautiful eye's and the sound of your sweet voice makes my heart melt. You are a answer to so many years of prayers. There are times I look at you and I feel as if my heart will burst from all the love and pride that I feel for you. You are the most beautiful little boy that I have ever seen. I want the world for you. I want you to always know the love I have for you. I wish I could protect you from everything bad out there. Even though I know I can't, you will always be covered in prayer.


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