Easter Weeend : Part 1

We had a long weekend for Easter. We made it to the farm early Thursday.
Everything is starting to get so green thanks to some recent rain. It really is beautiful .
Last time Jeff was there with the boys they started building a damn.
So we went down to the little creek to help him finish it. Lilly is such a big girl! She dived right in and helped. She picked up some pretty big rocks and never complained. After she would put a rock down she would clap her hands together and say "Perfect". And most of the time she sang "Let It Go" from Frozen


Colt was a big help also. He is just amazed about everything to do with the farm.

My sweet boy picked me some flowers. 

They just make me happy!!!
I just thought this was a pretty picture of our house.

With Spring's arrival, the farm is really starting to getting pretty. 
Such a wonderful, caring big brother. Oliver LOVES his baby Storrie. And she Adores him!


All the children love the farm.. But this little boy more then loves it. The farm is his! This is his element. He loves nothing more then being outside with his dump trucks, playing in the dirt.

It has not been a secret that I was less then thrilled when Jeff bought this place. Actually I was beyond upset and even hurt. He basically bought this place with out talking it over with me. But when I can out the next morning and saw this at the bottom of the steps.....
(almost) all was forgiven.
Don't get me wrong... Jeff is not totally off the hook. I feel this purchase gives me a big pass on a few big purchases I want to make and I totally will use it to my advantage {hey.. at least I am honest :)}  


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